Rate My Philippines Contest

7/11/2008 04:36:00 PM | with 0 comments »

Rate My Philippines Blog is holding a contest where winners can won almost $150.00 with 1 Journey Revelation Album cd/DVD with $10.00 cash via paypal and a free ad spot for 2 months.

In order to win you have to gain points and here are the mechanics.

  • Write a post about the contest just like this linking to the Rate My Philippines Blog (50 points)
  • Submit a link to Blog That Follow (50 points)
  • Stumble and fave the blog in technorati (10 points each)
  • RSS Subscribe by Email (10 points)
  • Join the Rate My Philippines community in MyBlogLog and blogcatalog (10 points)
  • Be the top Entrecard dropper on the Rate My Philippine Blog (20 points)

and many more. Every action you made on the blog has an equivalent points.

On July 28, 2008 they will pick the 4 lucky winners who earns the highest points.

For more information about the contest visit Rate My Philippines.


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