What do you think of Stumpedia.com?

6/18/2008 02:46:00 PM | with 2 comments »

What do you guys think of Stumpedia.com? can it really help a site to boost traffic?

Stumpedia is a human powered search engine for keyword driven searches.

Users of Stumpedia.com need to sign up to submit their site to this human-powered search engine to be added to their database. Because it is human powered SE the search engine will list down the site which are listed to their database.

Unlike the Big G, stumpedia.com will sort the site based on the votes that the site received. Meaning if the popularity of the site in Google was based on the backlinks and the traffic in Stumpedia the popularity is based on votes.

Aside from that, Stumpedia.com don't have those what you called 'bots' or 'algorithm'. The traffic of a site depends on how many visitors voted to your site. It is like digg or propeller in which a site need some votes for it to become popular.

For other information about Stumpedia you can refer to their Help Forum.


  1. Binoy xavier // June 18, 2008 at 7:06 PM  

    Hey buddy the you have mistyped the hyperlink for stumpedia.com... Correct it soon. The post is good.


  2. Grace Labado-Orzal // June 19, 2008 at 8:33 AM  

    thanks for that one binoy.. I already fixed the wrong URL..
    thanks again..

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